Gen Z's impact on beauty brands
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How Generation Z is Transforming Beauty Brands on TikTok

In the age of social media, authenticity has become a currency, and nowhere is this more evident than on TikTok. With its short-form videos and candid content, TikTok has emerged as a platform where Generation Z (Gen Z) reshapes beauty standards and challenges traditional beauty brands.

The Rise of Gen Z’s Influence on TikTok

Authenticity Over Perfection

Unlike curated Instagram feeds or heavily edited YouTube tutorials, TikTok thrives on authenticity. Gen Z users are drawn to genuine, relatable, and unfiltered content. This shift from perfectionism has paved the way for a more inclusive representation of beauty, where imperfections are celebrated rather than concealed.

Empowerment Through Self-Expression

TikTok empowers individuals to express themselves creatively and authentically. Gen Z users are leveraging this platform to challenge conventional beauty standards, embrace diversity, and promote self-love. From showcasing acne struggles to celebrating unique features, TikTok has become a space where everyone’s beauty journey is valued and validated.

Gen Z’s Impact on Beauty Brands

Dismantling Unrealistic Expectations

Gen Z’s rejection of unrealistic beauty standards has prompted beauty brands to reassess their marketing strategies. Instead of relying solely on airbrushed images and unattainable ideals, brands embrace transparency and authenticity. They showcase real people with skin concerns, fostering a deeper connection with their audience.

The Rise of Influencer Authenticity

TikTok influencers are at the forefront of this authenticity movement, using their platforms to advocate for transparency and honesty. Influencers who openly share their skincare routines, makeup mishaps, and personal struggles resonate with Gen Z audiences, who value relatability over perfection.

Demand for Ethical and Sustainable Practices

Gen Z’s commitment to social and environmental causes also influences their beauty preferences. They are more likely to support brands prioritizing ethical and sustainable practices, such as cruelty-free ingredients, eco-friendly packaging, and transparent supply chains. Beauty brands respond by aligning their values with those of their socially-conscious consumers.

Case Studies: Beauty Brands Embracing Authenticity on TikTok

Fenty Beauty by Rihanna

Fenty Beauty has garnered praise for its diverse shade range and inclusive marketing campaigns. On TikTok, the brand collaborates with influencers of all backgrounds to showcase its products in authentic, real-life scenarios, resonating with Gen Z’s desire for representation and inclusivity.


Glossier’s “skin first, makeup second” philosophy aligns perfectly with Gen Z’s emphasis on skincare and natural beauty. The brand’s TikTok presence focuses on user-generated content, featuring real customers sharing their experiences with Glossier products in a candid and relatable manner.